Active in helping local residents in Cross Lanes and surrounding areas since 1980.
About Us
Local support and resources

Providing the community
Tyler Mountain/Cross Lanes Community Services is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax exempt, social service agency that assists with emergency basic needs (food, utilities, rent and prescriptions).
We have been active in helping local residents in Cross Lanes and surrounding areas since 1980. We operate a food pantry and Christmas Basket Program in collaboration with neighboring churches, businesses, and organizations.
In addition to the local support we receive from churches, businesses and civic groups, we are also funded through The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation, the WV Bureau of Senior Services, and the United Way of Central WV.
for pantry
(225 boxes)
households reached
Individuals Served
Our Services
Providing for the community
Who do we assist?
Beneficiaries of our program include low- to no-income families and senior citizens in the Cross Lanes and Tyler Mountain areas.
What services do you provide?
We assist with food through our pantry and voucher program. We also help with rent, utility, and limited prescription payment assistance.
How do you determine eligibility?
Eligibility is determined by residency, and monthly income for USDA commodities.
What is the Christmas Basket Program?
Preparation and delivery of baskets to approved applicants. Each basket contains everything needed to prepare a holiday meal.
How many people do you help?
In 2016 we served more than 1,100 unduplicated individuals with their basic needs
What is the community garden?
Over 600lbs grown in our garden are donated to the food pantry through the growing season, giving clients access to fresh vegetables.
Latest News
Recent Updates and Bulletins
Support Us
Contribute to your community today!
We are always in need of donations and volunteers. Please contact Jason at 304-776-5813 if you'd like to participate!
Our pantry distributes food twice weekly to approved applicants. Our volunteers allocate food depending on household size/need. Our pantry provides USDA commodities from the Facing Hunger Food Bank and weekly donations of perishable foods from Kroger Cross Lanes. If you would like to help, we accept:
Financial donations can be mailed to:
Pantry Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays between 1pm and 3pm
Pantry Location:
Located at the back of Perrow Church
5345 Big Tyler Rd.
Cross Lanes, WV 25313
- Non-perishable food (canned or boxed)
- Frozen, professionally packaged, ground venison
- Farm fresh eggs
- Farm fresh produce
- Personal care items (toilet tissue, deodorant, dental products, soap, shampoo)
- Cleaning supplies
- Adult and baby diapers
Our Partners
We depend on you!
- WV Bureau of Senior Services
- The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation
- The United Way of Central WV
- Psychological Consultation and Assessment
- Maxim Healthcare Services
- Cross Lanes Veterinary Hospital
- Mark Calfee Chiropractic
- My Shoppe Hair Salon
- Cross Lanes Church of Christ
- Precision Pump and Valve
- Save-A-Lot
- Keller Funeral Home
- Tyler Heights Community Church
- BB&T
- Maranatha Fellowship Church
- Mountaineer Food Bank
- T&M Meats
- Kroger
- Teays Valley Road Runners Camping Club
- WV Conference of the United Methodist Church
- Dollar Energy Fund
- Cross Lanes Woman’s Club
- Tyler Mtn. Volunteer Fire Dept.
- Copperhead Ridge Running Group
- Cross Lanes Elementary
- Point Harmony Elementary
- Andrew Jackson Middle School
- Cross Lanes United Methodist
- Perrow Church
- First Baptist Church of Tyler Mtn.
- Cross Lanes Baptist Church
- Community Chapel
- Cross Lanes Bible Church
- Baber Agee United Methodist
- Fairview United Methodist
- Genesis Fellowship
- City National Bank
- Anytime Fitness
- Cummins
- The Haddad Foundation
- FOP Capitol City Lodge #4
- EnviroProbe Integrated Solutions
Contact Us
How can we help?
Get in touch
- Phone: 304-776-5813
The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities).